The School of Ministry Book Tour

by Braxton A. Cosby “A fast-paced adventure featuring a secret society on a divine mission…a satisfying read: The characters steadily develop, goodness prevails, and there’s even a touch of romantic intrigue. Gripping, action-packed.” —- Kirkus Review “A memorable, unpredictable journey of hope, identity and courage. The Cosby gift of storytelling lives on in this page … Continue reading “The School of Ministry Book Tour”

First Foods for Baby

First Foods for 6 Month Olds  The first 4-6 months of a baby’s life is called their perceptual developmental stage, this is when a baby is developing all of their primary senses: vision, hearing, touch and tastes are all being developed during the first 6 months of life at rapid speed. With sense of taste … Continue reading “First Foods for Baby”

Raising Frugal Kids

Raising Frugal Kids Children are rarely involved in the day to day decisions of their family’s financial picture but constantly want things that cost money. There should be a better step by step guide to raising frugal kids but here are some tips. Why shouldn’t kids learn the value of money by helping the family … Continue reading “Raising Frugal Kids”